Collected Works of Jan Firbas IV
Data-driven decision-making in medical education and healthcare
Collected Works of Jan Firbas V
Censuses in Slovakia in the interwar and post-war period
Computer or Paper? Comparison of two modes of test administration
COFOLA International 2022
Edge of Tomorrow: The Next Generation of Legal Historians and Romanists
Life in Health 2021: Research and Practice
Argumentation 2021
XXVI. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách
Patterns and Variation in English Language Discourse
Mankind – Music – Technology
Learning and Teaching in Virtual Reality
What’s wrong?
Understanding Care Policies in Changing Times: Experiences and Lessons from the Czech Republic and Norway
Synthetic Syntax, Meaning, and Philosophical Questions
Canada Consumed: The Impact of Canadian Writing in Central Europe (1990–2017)
Central Europe as a Meeting Point of Visual Cultures
CORPORATE CRIMINAL LIABILITY (in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland)
Ethnology for the 21st Century
How We Understand the Beats
Implicating Environments
Inscribing Difference and Resistance
Inventing Medieval Czechoslovakia 1918–1968
Mandala and History
Migrating Art Historians on the Sacred Ways
Myths and Traditions of Central European University Culture
Politicization in the Natural Gas Sector in South-Eastern Europe: Thing of the Past or Vivid Present?
Religious practices in the Japanese mountains
Research in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
The Brother of the Other
The Figurativeness of the Language of Mystical Experience
US Foreign Policy in the Western Balkans from 1993 to 2009
Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden. Experiments on Plant Hybrids
Videoconferencing in University Language Education
Voice of the Locality
Gregor Johann Mendel: Ways to the genome of the founder of genetics
Mongolian Ritual Texts in Manuscript Collections in the Czech Republic
The Faithful and the Reasonable
Understanding unconventional medicine
Connection – Contact – Community
Smooth and F-smooth systems with applications to Covariant Quantum Mechanics
Connecting the dots: Sector coupling and hydrogen policies in Europe
The black box book: Archives and curatorship in the age of transformation of art institutions
Human performance for special operations forces - HP SOF. Optimising performance of special forces operators
The concept of developing geoinformatics skills in teaching at primary and secondary schools
Byzantium or Democracy? Kondakov’s Legacy in Emigration: the Institutum Kondakovianum and André Grabar, 1925–1952
Inquiry in University Mathematics Teaching and Learning: The Platinum Project
Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2021
Cybersecurity Law Casebook 2020
Freedom in the Mirror of University History: Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Masaryk University and dedicated to all the authors in its history who were silenced
Nonprofit organizations in selected CEE countries: A journey to sustainability
Support for learning in schools
Exploring and explaining participation in local opposition: brown coal mining in Horní Jiretín
The Attitudes of Elementary School Teachers to Eating Disorders
Spiritual-Religious Literature: Through the Lens of Comparative Imagology
Typo Poster: Traditional Medium of Communication in Epoch of Advanced Digital Technologies
Real World Learning in Outdoor Environmental Education Programs
Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2020
Leading Learning Networks in Education: Theoretical Framework and School Leaders’ Perspectives across Europe
Implicating Environments: The Earlier Work of Paul Carter and J.H. Prynne in the Context of Related Aspects of Later Modern Neo-Pastoral
Modern Instrumental Methods in Solid Dosage Form Analysis