Series Cardiac output
Cardiac output is the basic metric of blood flow performance – it describes the volume of blood being pumped by the heart, in particular by the left or right ventricle, per unit time. The figurative sense is needless to explain. It can only be added that the time unit is one human life.
The Cardiac output series has published 14 titles of contemporary Czech poetry with the Masaryk University Press by the end of 2013. Vladimír Šrámek is the editor and Leoš Knotek is the author of layout. A number of mainly Brno-based poets is involved in the editorial works. In 2013 the Cardiac output has been transformed to a voluntary group whose aim is to revive publishing and other cultural activities.
In the series (published by Masaryk University Press):

Vladimír Šrámek
Divoký advent (sv. 1)
Norbert Holub
Status idem (sv. 2)
Eva Válková
Na obojku z proutku růže (sv. 3)
Zdeněk Vojtěch
Poezie faktu (sv. 4)
Miroslav Holman
Glosy veršem – Kroužení (sv. 5)
Marek Fencl
Vinný kámen (sv. 6)

Radek Štěpánek
Soudný potok (sv. 7)
František Hubatka
Oboustranná šelma (obrazy) (sv. 8)
Petr Hrbáč
Jak plyne čas (sv. 9)
Pavla Medunová
Za každý vnější den (sv. 10)
Oldřich Kutra
…a stokrát třásti stromem (sv. 11)
Vladimír Šrámek
Sova loví noc (sv. 12)

Radek Štěpánek
Kraj/ky Pagu (sv. 13)
Ondřej Hložek
Domů (sv. 14)