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Forthcoming books

Say It Right. A Practical Guide to Presentations and Public Speaking


9 Jan

Say It Right. A Practical Guide to Presentations and Public Speaking

You have a great idea – but how do you communicate it so it makes a real difference?Words have the power to change the world. Whether you're giving a talk at a conference, defending your dissertation, or trying to reach out to the general public. This book is here to give you the courage, practical skills and clear guidance to prepare and deliver the...

Archaeologia historica 49/2024/2

16 Dec 2024

Archaeologia historica 49/2024/2

The introductory studies of this year's second volume of the journal Archaeologiahistorica are devoted to specific research activities and finds from Czech and Slovak castles and manors (Vysoké Veselí u Jičína, Buben, Čičava, Hrušov, Reviště). These are followed by excursions into early modern Czech and Moravian towns, expanding the existing knowledge...

Medieval and early modern glass in the Moravian-Silesian borderlands

Medieval and early modern glass in the Moravian-Silesian borderlands

Kateřina Vaďurová

This monograph provide a comprehensive overview of the glass products from the 13th to the middle of the 17th century in the Moravian-Silesian borderlands in the context of contemporary development in the Czech lands and Europe. The work deals with the basic development tendencies of glass, but also the characteristics of individual...

Outline of Didactics

Outline of Didactics

Josef Maňák, Tomáš Janík, Vlastimil Švec

The fourth edition of this successful textbook provides students, teachers and other interested parties with a systemic approach to didactics. It introduces the key concepts of didactics, i.e. education, teaching, learning, teaching methods, organisational forms, didactic means and others, and provides their interpretation....

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