Idea univerzity z české perspektivy / The Idea of a University from a Czech Perspective

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Published: 2021
Pages: 216
Format: 176×250mm
Binding: hardback
Subject: history, education
ISBN: 978-80-210-9762-9 (hardback), 978-80-210-9763-6 (online; pdf)                   Translation: Graeme Dibble Edition: Masaryk University Conversation, Vol. 1

Rozhovory s Jiřím Hanušem / Conversations with Jiří Hanuš

JIří hanuš (ed.)

The aim of this book is to explore the ‘idea of a university’ and specific modern developments both abroad and in the Czech Republic through dialogues with prominent Czech academics: Stanislav Balík, Petr Dvořák, Petr Fiala, Pavel Floss, Jiří Hanuš, Petr Horák, Jakub Jirsa, Jiří Lach, Jiří Macháček, Tomáš Machula, Dominik Munzar, Ivana Noble, Jan Sokol, Daniel Soukup and Kateřina Šimáčková.

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