Život onlife. Lekce z informační vědy

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Published: 2020
Pages: 125
Format: 14,8×18,5 cm
Binding: paperback
Subject: Informatics, Library science
ISBN: 978-80-210-9586-1, 978-80-210-9587-8 (online ; pdf)
Edition: Munice, Vol. 5

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Life onlife. Lesson in information science

Michal Černý

In the fifth volume of the popular science “Munice” series we reflect on the hybrid nature of the social and work environment in which most of us normally live. The boundaries between online and offline are blurring, both worlds merge into one. How will the ongoing technological revolution affect our education, professional success or value orientation? According to information science, the core of the answer lies in the way we obtain, evaluate and use information.

Michal Černý is an information scientist, philosopher, pedagogue and educator, an innovator in the field of technology in education. Although he belongs to the youngest generation of scientists, he has already written more than twenty books and hundreds of peer-reviewed articles. At the Department of Information and Library Studies (KISK), Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, he conducts, among other things, popular courses in the development of digital competencies and creative work with information.

Munice [“ammunition”] is a new popular science series of Masaryk University Press. It brings current topics from natural, social, and human sciences in an accessible form and fresh graphic design. Munice is our contribution to your lifelong learning. Great for high-school graduates planning to go to university and for professionals looking beyond the horizons of their specialisation. Munice is knowledge packed so carefully and densely that you will easily finish each volume in one go on a train from Brno to Prague. Or on a plane to Barcelona. Munice gives space to erudite and charismatic personalities who will engage you with the most current topics. Munice is a window into the knowledge produced at our university.

Book Preview
  • Učící se společnost a technologie
    • Průmyslová společnost
    • Informační společnost
    • Znalostní společnost
    • Učící se společnost
    • „Pravděpodobně většinu času žijeme onlife“
  • Jak hledat a najít
    • Informační potřeba
    • Od lístkového katalogu ke Googlu
    • Vyhledávat a objevovat
    • SEO
  • Hodnocení informací
    • Dezinformace
    • Deepfake
    • Informační válka?
    • Kvalita informací
  • Jak strukturujeme své poznání?
    • Osobní informační management
    • Paradox produktivity
    • Filtrační bubliny
    • Osobní vzdělávací prostředí
    • Místo závěru
  • Menu na příští týden

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