Budování loajality zákazníků ke značkám oblečení na Facebooku

Published: 2018
Pages: 220
Format: 15 × 21 cm
Binding: Paperback
978-80-210-9124-5 (e-book)
Building Clothing Brand Loyalty on Facebook
Jitka Burešová
The influence of social media in society continues to grow. Facebook, the largest online social media in the world today, has over 1.65 billion users from all over the world. From a marketing perspective, Facebook offers a unique opportunity for addressing enormous numbers of potential customers. This has created a growing need to research Facebook and evaluate its suitability for marketing purposes. One of the main tasks of marketers and academics is to determine whether money invested in communication on Facebook generates the anticipated profits. It is widely known that a firm’s greatest revenue comes from a maximum of 20 % of customers who have developed a positive relationship with the company. A long-term positive relationship is most often built between a customer and a brand. A consumer with a positive relationship with a brand speaks more about the brand, repeatedly purchases its products and is willing to pay more for them, in this way becoming a loyal customer. The subject of this work is brands in the fashion segment, specifically common clothing brands. The name ‘common fashion brands’ was introduced on the basis of a qualitative study that forms part of this work. The aim of the study was to divide the Czech fashion market by price level and quality from the perspective of Czech customers and to name these categories. The main objective of the monograph was to determine whether it is possible to build loyalty to the company Facebook pages of common fashion brands, followed by loyalty to brands.
The author Ing. Jitka Burešová, Ph.D. is assistant professor at the Department of Marketing and Trade, Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Liberec. She specializes in marketing communication on Facebook and brand marketing.